Friday, July 17, 2009



When Kaleb is older...(Perhaps as quarterback for the Ohio State Buckeyes... A mom can dream, right??)

I will get to finally scrapbook all of these millions (no really, millions) of pictures that I've taken over the past couple of years...

I might get to start sewing again, maybe even quilt.... (even though I just a large portion of my fabric stash (OH, THE HORRORS), patterns and "stuff".)

I might actually get a full night sleep and wake up when my REAL alarm goes off, and not when my child alarm who has a knack for waking up an hour before the real one does deems it necessary to wake up.

I might be able to read more than a paragraph in a book before passing out from sheer exhaustion.

But then again, I really don't want him to get older. I want him to stay little, and look up at me with those adoring, loving little eyes and that toothless grin forever. I cherish the moments when he looks up and me, smiles and reaches up for me to lift him into my arms. I adore the wet, slobbery, full-on kisses and the snuggles. I enjoy his busy-ness, even when it is late at night and way past all of our bedtimes.

Although I will say that I look forward him getting older--to seeing him play baseball, soccer and games with his brother, learn to read, write, go to kindergarten. I know that I will cry when those major milestone start happening. Heck, I've already cried when he's smiled, clapped, crawled and took his first steps.

So for now, I'll not complain much when I cannot scrap, quilt, read like I used to, etc. I'll enjoy the moment and what the moments with my little one bring. I'll smile and watch and wish that he could stay this way for just a little while longer.